Saturday, 28 April 2012


“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a
witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come”.
Matthew 24:14 (KJV)

 In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in
the wilderness of Judaea, {3:2} And saying, Repent ye: for
the kingdom of heaven is at hand. {Mat 3;1 &2

The gospel heralded by John the Baptist, preached by Jesus and handed over to apostles to preach to all nations is described as  The gospel of the Kingdom. This gospel according to Jesus is the key to obtaining full salvation from sin and  death with the ultimate power to release men into their liberty from the powers of the flesh, world and Satan.
This gospel will  bring Sons to perfection  and release creations from the bondage of corruption bringing in everlasting righteousness.

The thrust of this gospel is that a King, Jesus has  gained legitimate right over the nations and all realms of existence having satisfied the requirement of the father God  and has defined a new standard , a new civilization with power for all who will come to him to walk in this lifestyle of righteousness, peace, Joy in the holy ghost . This Everlasting Kingdom which shall put an end to every other Kingdom in the long run   starts from within and is expressed outside by the power of endless life .

And Jesus went about all the cities and
villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the
gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and
every disease among the people.
Matthew 9:35 (KJV)

The Gospel of the Kingdom is therefore the good news about an everlasting King, His Kingdom, requirements for citizenship of this Kingdom and the principles and constitutions governing this Kingdom and this must be understood and declared  and this will release the power fulfill all prophesies and bring the age to a close for the emergence of a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness dwells.

The riches, the glory and the truths of this Kingdom remain a mystery which shall be revealed to worthy seekers as it is written “ Seek ye the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all the benefits of the Kingdom( all other things) shall be released unto you without struggles”. It should be noted as said by apostle paul that this  gospel of Christ  will be preached not with the wisdom of man but by the demonstration of the spirit and wisdom of God.
Those who will not seek the Kingdom will end up with another gospel which is a “ concoction of  the carnal mind”  as it is displayed today in the earth where many servants have deviated , preaching  another gospel, bringing in another spirit thereby drawing the men away from Jesus into “ a false Christ”.

For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom
we have not preached, or [if] ye receive another spirit,
which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye
have not accepted, ye might well bear with [him.
Gal 1:4 (KJV)

Prevalent among “ other gospels” in this season  are the following which in actual sense are not in any way a gospel (goodness) as the end of it all will be endless struggles, captivity, defeat, disappointment ,shame and a circus life of limitation.

Need centered gospel of Meat and Drink
This message focuses on meeting the insatiable wants of man and their carnal desires without the dealings of the cross. It portray God as  Father Christmas  who gives without purpose. It removes the sense of responsibility from man and reorder the mind of men into thinking that God exists to assist men in fulfilling their lust and carnal dreams , pursuit and goals.   

Materialistic Gospel of things
This message brings men under the control of things . Men are therefore defined by what they have or do not have provoking a sense of shame and reproach on true seekers passing through the process of self sacrifice because of others, denial, lack occasioned by persecution, wickedness of men or actual dealings of God. The ultimate end is the emergence of a people driven by greed, covetousness, cares , selfish ambition, lust for things  and insatiable appetite.

Man Centered Gospel
This development of a man centered gospel is tragic as it will veil men from the Knowledge of Christ and hinders  intimacy with God. This is the spirit of anti Christ. It glorifies and celebrates personal vanity leaving the King. It exalts charisma, experience, age, title and gifts above the person of Christ. This is unlike John the Baptist who said that he must decrease for Christ to increase, and unlike Paul who affirms not knowing any man after the flesh

Organization centered Gospel
The  trend of promoting  organization is a babylonish  way of life centered on ‘ making name for ourselves ‘ and building up towers that will reach to heaven which God has not commanded. The end result is pride, confusion and strive

Fear or  adversary centered Gospel
Another dangerous gospel is the message that indirectly promotes the activities of Satan and put fears in the heart of man by constant emphasis on the work of Satan and little emphasis on the King and his Kingdom   


And I saw another angel fly in the midst of
heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them
that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred,
and tongue, and people Rev 14;1

As stated above, rising in the earth today is a company of heavenly minded sons of God coming out of obscurity, enduring the reproach of Egypt. Proclaiming the everlasting gospel of the kingdom of God and laying for themselves incorruptible treasures of righteousness, let us all depart from preaching another gospel and become schooled in the gospel of the kingdom so as not to partake of the iniquity and the judgment coming upon the babylonish (harlot) system, whose preoccupation is to trade in the souls of men through the preaching of false gospel.

And I heard another voice from heaven,
saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers
of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Rev;18;4

Wednesday, 18 April 2012


Let us start by looking at    instructions of Jesus in   Luke 17;26-33 in respect of the days that we live in.

26} And as it was in the days of Noe, so
shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. {17:27} They
did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in
marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the
flood came, and destroyed them all. {17:28} Likewise also
as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they
bought, they sold, they planted, they builder; {17:29} But
the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and
brimstone from heaven, and destroyed [them] all. {17:30}
Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is
revealed. {17:31} In that day, he which shall be upon the
housetop, and his stuff in the house, let him not come down
to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise
not return back. {17:32} Remember Lot’s wife. {17:33}
Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose
We have been given the code to decipher what the end of these age is going to look like and what we should do, The end of this age
Will be  a time of reckoning when God will Judge men for their wickedness, violence and corruption. The instrument of judgment will come to the wicked  suddenly and surprisingly like a thief in the night in the mist of man’s preoccupation with the ‘usual” such as business activities, social and family activities, essential activities such as eating,drinking,building, celebrating and a host of other activities that put pressure  on man and preoccupies the mind distracting man from the essence of his creation which is to seek God ,find him and be conformed into his image in spirit and truth,

The Flood and the Fire
  The determinate counsel of God was revealed to Noa and  Lot before the incident. These God’s prophets warned others as they were enjoined to do . the Gospel that will facilitate their deliverance and escape from Judgments was also given but  it Just did not make sense to them. In the same way, the Noa of this generation and the  company  of Lot are warning the earthmen of the impending  disaster and the need to repent from religious activities and the pursuit of vanity driven by selfishness .
Ignorance in these days may no longer be an excuse and disobedience to divine instruction will attract heavy penalty just as it was in those days. Remember, they knew not until Noa entered the Ark and the flood came and destroyed them all.

And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away;                                                                                                                 so shall also the coming of the Son of man  be. {Mat 24:40}

The Way Out
Let him which is  in Judea flee to the mountain Mat4;16……….                                                                                                     Let   Let him not come down… Let him not return …Luke 17;31
And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said ,                                                                                escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain;                                                                                       escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. Gen 19;17

God ‘s method is to provide a way of escape for his people in the mist of impending Judgment  not by taking his own away from the scene but by bringing them into  a position or  greater dimension of his power and glory  where they cannot be touched. In Egypt, Israel was preserved in Goshem by his greater presence. Daniel was preserved in the mist of lions while others were torn to pieces, the three Hebrew children were untouched in the mist of a raging fire that consumed the men that threw them inside the fire. The pursuit of God’s people to escape the judgment is to rise up to a higher level of intimacy, obedience  by seeking the ways and the thoughts of God which are higher than our ways and thoughts. In otherwise, using altitudinal dimensions, God dwells on high whil men lives on the lower dimension. God dwell on the mountain top of Zion and invites men into that dimension. “Come up hither” was his bid to John on the island of Patmos. He requestd Moses and Israel to  come to Mountain but they would not. Our charge is to “flee to the mountain “ and leave the lower, carnal , inferior and lustful dimension into the higher ground of abounding love, peace, righteousness  and Joy in the Holy Ghost.

As we can see in the experience of Lot, it is easier to stay on the lowland area of ease and pleasure, no wonder lot pleaded that he should be spared from the task of climbing to which the Angel reluctantly agreed as we can see in the next event . The cities of the plain which  can only offer temporary security for men were eventually overthrown. However, just as before, those who are ascending the mountain of the Lord in this seasons will be resisted by the gravitational force of the flesh and humanity but “let him not come down” . The Kingdom mountaineers will be assailed by difficult terrain of the mountain , they will go through the school of disappointment, delay, loneliness, heat and dryness  but it is these terrain that will assist the wayfarers in developing ‘ Hind’s feet” for high places. It is here that the required intimacy, the necessary sensitivity, consistency, strength  and vitality is developed . Indeed the mountain climbers  will suffer ‘ violence’ and it is only ‘ Violent commitment and determination and the violent force of love occasioned by clear vision of his purpose and deep revelation of His person”  that will enabled this climbers to take the mountain top by force . It should also be noted that the Journey, difficult as it may, will break the power of the fleshy inertia and bring us into the realm of true worship,prayer and transformation.

At this juncture, we must recall the  David’s men who climbed over Mount Zion through the dangerous waterways and forcefully eliminated the  ‘ Jebusite Enemies” representing  the forces of sin and the flesh and established the ‘ City of Zion”  “ representing “the perfection of beauty’ which we are called into in Christ.
Let us be encouraged , shaking  off every weight and distraction of the flesh, looking unto Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame , pressing beyond the veil as a pioneer leaving us an example that we should follow.

Sunday, 15 April 2012


Prophet Isaiah many centuries ago declared  Unto us  Child is born, unto us  us a Son is given (Isaiah 7:14)    making it crystal clear that Children are born and Sons are made and  brought to maturity, indeed, as it is in the natural so it is in the spiritual, the new birth is the initiation into a journey towards a lifestyle of continuous growth with a destination in mind which is maturity as a full grown perfect son. At the beginning of the journey, you are initiated into a process of growth  and development that takes you from one level of strength to another. The holy writ described the journey in different ways in types and shadows.

Seven Days of Creation- A type and Shadow
The book of genesis opened  up with   the breaking of a new light as the God of heaven thundered  against the darkness that moves upon the faces of the deep “ Let there be light” and it ended  with the Seventh day when God finished his work and rested, representing the birth of a new creation man and displaying  the growth pattern until maturity when work is done and a full grown son emerges as the noon . No wonder, the writer of the book of the proverb captures the growth process as the path of the righteous that shines  brighter and brighter until it becomes a perfect day

Our greatest prayer must be to continually seek  to know and understand our destination which is Christ and seek for more grace to understand the way, the process and to submit to this  “higher ways and higher thoughts of God’ .

The  Destination
The Wisest man on earth, Solomon described the path of the righteous as a shining light that shines brighter and brighter until it becomes a  full day when all darkness are gone and the Sun of righteousness is now shining  in his full strength in our heart. This was described  by Apostle peter as the dawning of the day and the arising of the day star (sun) in our heart. This represents  the manifestation of the fullness of Christ in us as we  come to the place of comprehension of the length , breadth, height and breadth of the love of God .  This is the destination. Here  we  come to the full stature of Christ and it is can be said of us that he that has seen us has seen ‘ Christ” just like it was  said of Christ that “ he that has seen Christ has seen the Father” , This is the “ Mount  Zion Position “  Higher than all other mountains, “the throne position
where authority to rule and govern creation is given which is the inheritance of the saints.
The Process
The process of transformation commences and increases as we pay attention to the light of revelation of Christ released  by the Holy Spirit in our hearts. This process of illumination is accompanied by a process of pruning and discipline or Chastisement that cuts our  flesh to size and crucified the flesh.  Apostle Paul said clearly in Acts 14:22  that we will enter into the Kingdom through many tribulation speaking of experiences that are painful to the flesh. God , like a school master takes us through a divine curriculum   targeted at breaking the power of the flesh over us. It may come in a form of disappointment , delay, loss, failure  but  the ultimate essence is to release the inner man into liberty and dominion

Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery
trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing
happened unto you:  But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are
partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be
revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy, 1 Peter 4;12 & 13.

In  going through the process , it is important we maintain a proper attitude and this is possible if we clearly keep our focus on the vision of the destination and we are armed with the understanding of the divine purpose  which is to conform us into the image of Christ . A critical aspect of the dealings of God usually  come through ‘ Difficult Relationships” and we must confront this with  the mind of Christ who through humility despise the shame, endure the challenges of cruel mocking and scourging but offer strong cries  and prayer with tears unto him who has the ability to deliver him in the days of his flesh, gazing toward the Joy that was set before him and  truly as we partake of his suffering, we will partake of his glory

But the God of all grace, who hath called us
unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have
suffered a while, make you perfect, 1peter 5;10

Written by Ademola Akinyemi

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