Saturday, 21 December 2013


Hebrew 11:9  By faith he  sojourned in the land of promise, as [in] a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with  him of the same promise: {11:10} For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker [is] God.

Those who are on a journey towards a definite destination do not build permanent place of habitation. Those who are on a pilgrimage do not stop half way on the Journey and  build permanent structures as this will certainly deter them from reaching their destination.  Pilgrims who cannot take their mind off where they are coming from may not be able to  reach their destination as they will turn back at the slightest discouragement which is certain to come. Men who keep thinking of their old girlfriends  even when they are married  will never be able to build a strong marriage. Those who are pressing forward to   join the overcomers company must follow the path of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who  “Lived in Tents” as  they are looking for a city whose builder and maker is God, an eternal city where God is not ashamed to be called their God,. This is not a physical city but  a divine estate belonging to sons, it is a life fully powered by divine life in his fullness.

Our call is to be perfect as our heavenly  Father is perfect. Our call is to possess Immortality where all corruption is swallowed by  divine life and as we journey towards the fullness of God, we are to grow in the knowledge of God and drop the carnal knowledge and nature  we inherited from Adam progressively until we fully put on Christ in all his fullness. What we know now is not the complete knowledge of God and we are not to behave and assume that we know all but we are to change our theology as more light is shed into our heart through the Holy Ghost who opens seal after seal unto us and bring us into the full revelation of Christ .

As more and more of Christ is revealed, we move from our Initial Salvation into  a new status where we experience  the baptism of the holy spirit which is a foretaste of what is to come   and beyond this, we are to consistently press on in the knowledge of God until we become filled with all the fullness of God.

Live in tent.

Sunday, 1 December 2013


The Father’s heart
David was a  man after God's heart and in this days, a company of men like David whose heart will be totally after GOD will emerged.
The book of John opens us to the heart and nature of the Father  and his Children. John wrote by inspiration  “He that loveth not knoweth not God for God is love ( I John 4:8)” and by this we know that outside love, God does not exist. For this cause, the operative clause of the Kingdom of God is  Love towards everyone including those that are without for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that those who believed in him shall not perish bout have eternal love. . Our call is to minister by  and from this perspective, This is a redemptive perspective where our action and prayer are motivated by a desire for the salvation of those who hurt us and the ungodly. To do this, we must daily feed on the tree of life which is the love of God through daily communion with the Father. The love of God is the greatest weapon we have been given and with it , you will never fail.

Overcoming a  negative heart

Sometimes, we preach the right things but not with the Father’s heart of Faith & love. This is sometimes reflected as a negative tint in our message sometimes discernible by our hearers., no wonder we can not bring forth after the Love of God but after our type of heart. The  message of Christ which we preach is a  good news and not a negative message and our heart and message are to be inclined as such by the Love of God.

The Father’s heart makes us to see ourselves as  members of his body and indeed, members of one another and it is only natural that we must regard and respect our members, that is his church. We must discern the true body of Christ and it is only in this position that Christ is pleased with us. Here, truth is spoken in love and humility. And in ministering to the body, we speak as from Christ with his heart unto his people with us as ministers inclusive. We must  therefore purge ourselves of arrogance posture, know it all spirit or a domineering spirit that “colonize” the brethren and stripped them of the liberty, the courage and confidence available in Christ Jesus. To walk in the path of “ Rulership over the brethren ” is to veil Christ from the people and this puts us against the Spirit of Christ.

Servant heart
Jesus said, the Son of man has come to serve and not to be served.  In the Babylonish  world of men, leaders pride themselves and  enjoy others playing a servitude role before them.  While we should welcome support services from our brethren as partners  that can help us to concentrate on other priorities such as prayer and ministering the word ( Act 7 ) , we are not to parade ourselves as ‘ Lord” over the people of  God selfishly converting our brethren to ‘Confectionaries , Cooks and horse/Chariot drivers  (resources to be used for our gratification and dumped) after the manner of like Saul. This pattern is not of God and we must not indulge in  behaving as ‘ ancient Kings” who are surrounded by praise singers, men doing even small things that they can do themselves such as carrying their bible,  worshiping them . The solution to this is to possess the Fathers ‘ Servant heart driven by the Love of God in Christ Jesus. We must cultivate the servant heart of Christ. A heart positioned to serve and not be served. A heart committed to add value not for advantage. A heart positioned to be worshiped and not receive worship or exercise lordship over God’s heritage. Remember the words  of the great reformer in “ Final Quest”,

“When pure truth is combined with pure love, men can be the men they were created to be without having to dominate out of insecurity. Women can be the women they were created to be because their love has replaced their fear. Love will never manipulate or try to control out of insecurity, because love casts out all fear. The very place where relationships can be the most corrupted is also where they can be the most fulfilling. As your mind is renewed by the Spirit of Truth, you will not see relationships as an opportunity to get from others, but to give. Giving is the greatest fulfillment that we can ever know”

 Gentle & lowly hear of Jesus.
We must be a man after  God’s own heart like David. We must imbibe the simplicity of Christ and do away with the complexity of living and lifestyle driven by the spirit of this age. We must cultivate the “Gentle and lowly heart of Jesus for he is gentle and lowly in heart. We must reject the arrogance spirit of Babylon . Rick Joyner in his book wrote, “Pride is the hardest enemy to see and it always sneak up behind , in some way, those who have been to the greatest heights are in the greatest danger of falling. You  must always remember that in this life, you can fall at any time from any level. A man with the heart of Jesus is willing to listen and learn from others including those that do not agree with him
When arrogant sets in, a man begins imagine that the Lord would do anything of significance unless He did it through him. Criticism of others and jealousy sets in also  when the Lord moved through anyone who was outside us or our  ministry . Feeding on the love of God will heal our heart and cloth us with the garment of humility. True humility is to see ourselves as God sees us and not as other see us and this I the path of life.

Sincere Heart
The sincere  heart of Christ  is  activated through the love of God shed in our hearth daily by the Holy Spirit as we commune with God . This helps us not to hide from facing difficult revelation about ourselves . By the love of God, we are empowered  to confront issues about our persons and Characters in reality and seek the face of God for deliverance. Our can is to celebrate the feast of God (dealings  of God) with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth .

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