Tuesday, 4 March 2025

 Dearly Beloved 


- PATHWAY TO VICTORY: Pathway to Victory will practically equip the believer with a systematic understanding of the unchanging and time-tested divine pattern for humans to gain sustained victory in the face of unusual conflict and persistent confrontations.


- SONS ARISE: A book that explores God’s eternal desire to create a family of sons in the image of Christ, who is the firstborn son of God, describing the full identity of Sons and the pathway for believers to apprehend this glorious inheritance.


The truth shared in these books were borne out of years of adventure with God amidst human conflict and spiritual resistance. The secret of living in rest and peace through gazing constantly into the Father’s face is  a timeless strategy for victory which every ready will find priceless.

Available in eBook on (SELAR) and (paperback, and eBook formats (AMAZON)

Purchase Links: 

- SELAR (eBook only): 

Pathway  to Victory link: https://selar.com/966521 

- Sons Arise link: https://selar.com/425975

- AMAZON (eBook, Paperback):   

  - Pathway to Victory Link: https://a.co/d/7KRtwws  

     - Sons Arise link:    https://a.co/d/7lCNJ91


Ademola Akinyemi. a friend of God with an incurable passion to see the fulfillment of God’s desire to mature and enthrone his people as Priestly Kings.

Order your copy, advance into maturity and kindly share the links.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

Ademola Akinyemi 


 Dearly Beloved  LATEST BOOKS RELEASE: Introducing  - PATHWAY TO VICTORY: Pathway to Victory will practically equip the believer with a syst...