Saturday 30 April 2011



The Christian experience is designed to be a journey, an adventure into divinity, a pursuit of godliness, a press into perfection from the elementary and human dimension. The Christian life is far from been a series of attendance of endless meeting that brings no re-configuration of our content, character and lifestyle. It is a call to an exciting world of daily growth, transformation and maturity.
To press into maturity as instructed by the inspired words of Hebrew 6:1, we are advised to leave the elementary principles and press into perfection. This is call to get dissatisfied with our spiritual status which portrays glaring limitations. This is not a call to abandon truths which stand for ever but to grow in the level of understanding and become mature and grown up in our perception of things. It is a call to leave the realm of mixture into the pure realm of God where we see things from the eye view of God having been anointed with eye salve of the spirit which allows a clear 360% degree perception.
Leaving a comfort zone of understanding does not come easy to man as it confronts the pride of the natural man and the foolish presumption of the religious mind that  wallows in the “we know all” deception  contrary to the truth of the scriptures that we only know in “PARTS” and that we  have not pass “ this way before”. The reality that assists lovers of truth and sincere men is that we are as free as the degree of truth that we know. The bondages  evident in our lives reminds us that we are yet to apprehend enough revealed truth necessary to become the liberated sons of God which we are called to be experientially and not just legally.
Isaac Newton’s first law of motion is as true in the physical as it is true in the spiritual, everybody continues in a state of rest or uniform motion unless it is displaced by an opposing forces. The forces of truth of God’s word is what is needed to break the evil inertia of negative  religious, social and cultural yokes  that holds man captive. Many times, friends and colleagues were found to have applied extra application of words of encouragement or rebuke to wake us up or align us in a direction of truth we ordinarily would not want to go until our eyes popped open.
A man pre-occupied with the present leaving no room to think of the future is trapped and this represent the condition of the most present day earth dwellers and believers whose thoughts are limited to “what shall we eat and drink” or like David, the number and the size of our churches or the people that we rule over.
God’s ultimate plan is to express himself fully in the tabernacle call “MAN” and to achieve this, he has instituted a seven day program of transformation described by the seven feast and the seven days of creation. Each day releases a daily deposit of divine substance, the daily bread represents the truth that takes man higher in the process of   becoming like him until “we all come to the measure of the stature of Christ”.
It behooves of us therefore to hunger for our daily bread or word of revelation from God whereby we may continually receive, digest and progress in our journey towards maturity.
It is in from this place we receive strength and energy to arise and move forward, it is from this place of revelation we become empowered with the light and direction, creativity and courage to adjust, leave what should be left behind and move in the right direction. Failure in the place of dieting and feeding on daily bread brings paralysis and hinder us from moving forward. It will take personal individual effort to desire the sincere milk and meat of the world and not just a collective bandwagon operation of religious programs and nothing is too important to deny us of this GREAT opportunity and privilege of a daily communion at the Lord’s table where his truth is exchanged for our foolishness. 
Breaking the hold of habits, routines and thought pattern will be realized by a resolve on our part to appropriate the sufficient grace of God available in the proceeding word of God to escape the inertia of our present circumstances and situation. We must remember that man shall leave not by physical bread alone but by the fresh and daily manna from the very presence of God.
Servants of God who therefore bring words from God’s heart must desire to receive fresh and hot words to men and men must not be satisfied until they have lay hold individually of their daily allocation through meditation as we know that it is in the place of meditation that the   juice of revelation is assimilated.
The practical application of the truths of God in our daily lives will bring some pain to us but consistency and readiness to move forward is what we need to sustain ourselves through the pain and ascend to higher realms of rest.
Moving from the Pentecostal dimension into the greater feast of God requires humility. Those who will lead the move will be sincere and willing to make painful adjustment. Move forward for beyond you lies new realms of liberty, new heights of glory and victory, new depths of love, joy, peace and power and in the word of Achilles, the Great Greek warrior as he charged his soldiers to confront Troy, I will say beyond you lies (immortality) life everlasting, Press on in this path of life looking not to the left or right.
Scripture references::Hebrew 6:1,   2 Peter 1:19, Proverb 4:11,   Psalm 16:11

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C hristians are called to carry the presence of God like Jesus Christ. We are in union with Christ. When the mystery of our union is fully e...