Wednesday 27 April 2011


There is a trumpet sounding in the heavens for all who has ears. There is a call to come up hither; there is a mandate of heaven coming upon those who desire to experience the fullness of God. It is a call to align with the spirit of truth, a call to align with the will of God, and consequently with his body, our brethren. 

This place of unity and concord is Zion. This realm of harmony and oneness with God and his body is Zion. This is a dimension described by Apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:13   as “ The unity of Faith” . This is the place of maturity we are called to dwell.  This is the atmosphere we are called to operate in. This is Zion position.

David in Psalm 133:1 having seen the glory afar off called us to BEHOLD and experience this position of UNITY  with our brethren  . He described it as  “ The Excellence, Perfection and the Ultimate of Beauty  and it is my prayer that we will all access this dimension of unspeakable glory and Joy. It is a lifestyle better than all other dwelling places of Jacob ( i.e individualism, )

Let us now briefly consider the beauties of Zion.

Ø Goodness and Pleasantness- Operating in the unity of Faith and in the bond of peace is a pleasure of God that we must satisfy and this in turn brings satisfaction, Joy, manifestation of the goodness of God and his pleasantness among his people. Goodness and mercies will abound ceaselessly in the lives of those who dwell in this region. This is our destination as member of the body of Christ. We are to locate our position and function in harmony in the spirit of Christ with the brethren without any inferiority or superiority complex realizing that we are members of one another and that the body grows by that which every joint supply.

Ø The transforming anointing of grace and power. Babylon is characterized by selfish agenda and purposes which in turn breeds strife, irreconcilable misunderstanding and differences, confusion and every evil work. This spirit which is infiltrating and penetrating the lives of believers in an attempt to suffocate them out of God’s presence must be overthrown out of our lives so that we may enjoy the transforming power of his presence.  Those who desire to see lives changed into the nature of God must attract his presence and glory by keeping our hearts in committed love and unity in spite of  doctrinal differences, personal needs, class or weaknesses of other believers  and as we embrace the spirit of love and unity, the weakest will become strong  because, the transforming anointing of God permeates everywhere traveling from the head to the skirt

Ø The blessing- Like the dew of Hermon coming ceaselessly upon mount Zion, Constant refreshing abounds where there is harmony. The road to abundant blessing, victorious Christian living and ever-increasing access to the resources of heaven reserved in Christ for us is to remain “ Connected “ to life that flows in the corporate body of Christ through Continuous forgiveness of those who offend us , letting go of past hurts  thereby ridding our lives of subtle and hidden bitterness which is destructive .There is a corporate warfare to which we are all involved   Ephesians 6;12  says  “ We wrestle…against  “   ) and we become invincible and victorious in this war as we allow the interflow of grace, power, gifts and love among us. Indeed, we are as strong as the strongest link which is Christ Jesus when we are operating in true unity.

Ø Life evermore- The abundant life that will swallow death in victory flows through  the corporate body of Christ and until we come to that place where we operate as a “Perfect Man” where honor is given to the weak parts and our joints are oiled by love, respect, humility, acceptance of our brethren and  intercessory prayer, certain victories will continue to elude us and certain blessings will continue to be beyond our reach. The days of one man show is going and the day of “ The corporate Christ has come. The days of the rod of Shamgar as a one-man instrument of national deliverance is given way to the days of Joshua where the priests bears the ark in corporate formation to access the miracle of crossing the Jordan river and also to bring  down the Jericho principalities. Brethren, we must endeavor to keep the unity of faith in the bond of peace

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore. Psalm 133:1-3

We must march forward to Zion. There, we enjoy true fellowship and the blessing of God becomes mandatory on his people evermore. Hereunder is an excerpt from one of the bible commentaries (Treasury of David) on the true spirit of unity:

1. Despises not the little ones, i.e.  The mean, poor, and less gifted.

 a) Recognizes that God is the Father, and Christ is the Redeemer of all believers alike.

b) Acknowledges oneness of faith as the true basis of fellowship; not wealth, social position or talent.

c) Believes that the least member is essential to the completeness of Christ's body.

d) Realizes that everything which renders one in any way superior to another is the gift of God.

2. Distributes of its abundance to the needy: Ac 4:32-37.

a) The wealthy to the poor: 1Jo 3:17.

b) The learned to the ignorant.

c) The joyful to the sorrowing.

d) The steadfast to the erring: Jas 5:19.

3. Displays its value more by loving generosity, than by a conspicuous appearance before the world. As Hermon was more valuable to Zion for its dew than for its adornment of the landscape.

a) A generous activity exhibits and requires more real grace than showy architecture or ornate worship does.

b) Through it, godliness flourishes more than by a vaunted respectability. Zion was fertilized by the dew, not by the grandeur of Hermon.

c) By it the heart of Christ is touched and his reward secured



C hristians are called to carry the presence of God like Jesus Christ. We are in union with Christ. When the mystery of our union is fully e...