Sunday, 5 April 2015


In 1983, I was part of the groups of brethren that prayed for the restoration of Nigerian and the deliverance of the nation from the corrupt leaders of that time. But many of us prayed with an idol of a preferred candidate in our hearth hoping and praying that the candidate would win as we narrowly thought that was the only way out. We also erroneously thought that our position was God’s position and preference. The rest is history now, as we now know that we were then operating under a corrupt spirit of politics. The spirit provides you with an idol in form of an opinion, an idea, a preference, a leader, an option, a party with no option for the will  or sovereignty of God. Many of our brethren in 1983 ended up in bitterness, frustration and some crashed their faith in utter disappointed and hopelessness.

The experience of this few days is not very much different. Many unknowingly and unconsciously find their spirit submerged in this corrupt atmosphere activated by a campaign of hate and calumny as unusual by politicians who are desperate for power. We must always measure our spiritual state by the plumb line of Faith, hope and love for without these it is impossible to please and work with God (Hebrew 11;6)

For believers who are in power, seeking power or those who are in the game of power, we must realize that we are not to drink of the corrupt spirit of politics in our atmosphere but of the pure river of the spirit and the mind of God.  Once we absolve this negative spirit into our soul for whatever reason, another spirit begins to gain mastery over our soul and the end result is desperation, little regard for the laws of God, insensitivity which often leads to division, separation, suspicion, accusation, slander, fault finding, injustice, selfishness and all manners of lawlessness, seared conscious and backslidden life, tribal sentiments, wickedness or even war.

If you have allow your spirit to be corrupted by the prevailing political spirit, it is time to repent and forgive your opponents to avoid total derailment.

We are the light of the world. We are the standard and our light must not be turn into darkness neither must we follow others who are outside the faith and allow our salt to be sour. Sons of God Awake and flee from the grip of this spirit. We must know that God is the God of all, for God so love the world (everybody inclusive).  God shines his light upon all and he is the judge of all. He does not support one tribe or one religion or group against another. He is no respecter of persons and he is on the side of those who are on his side, he is with those who are on the side of love, justice and righteousness. He is committed to his counsel and purpose and not to the whims and caprices of men. He removes Kings and enthrone leaders in accordance with his plan and agenda. Our commitment therefore should be to seek his will with sincerity and follow it.

It is not out of place to have a preference for a leader or position but we must be willing to surrender to the will of God anytime since it is only God that cannot be wrong. We must be sincerely open to His corrective hand which may come through his words, dreams, events, visions, circumstances or in any way God may choose to talk to us.
Those who are control by the political spirit will stubbornly stick to their position and will continue to harbor evil wishes or evil intention and break the laws of love. Love is ever kind. Love is not envious. The standard for the Sons of God is love.

Spirit of politics takes away sense of justice or fair play as it is rooted in extreme selfishness. The Jews sacrificed Jesus on the altar of the political-religious spirit as they preferred the release of Barnabas the serial Killer to Judas without any sense of Justice. Deliver yourself from the evil grip of this spirit and pursue the purpose and call of God for therein lies peace and Joy.

Contact Ademola on Path of life Foundation on following Numbers: 08023544663,

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