Sunday, 5 April 2015


A people will emerge on the surface of the earth and in the mist of the church who will overcome all things.

This over comers will be armed with the finishing faith and will by this overcome the world including all that is in it-the lust of the flesh, the pride of life and the lust of the eyes.  By this they will be qualified to inherit all things including fullness of live and immortality with which the nations will be governed.

Part of the things which we  must  overcome  is the spirit of politics with its varying degree of corruption. The influence of this spirit brings hatred, bitterness, even strife and war as we have seen in history.  Conflicts of ideology led to the emergence of Adolf Hitler and the world war 11. The spirit of politics in the world is rooted in the desire of man to protect self-interest  and must be tamed by the love of God which is just and considerate.

Various nations govern the spirit of politics by  laws which if respected often stabilizes the polity although this does not deal with the matters of the heart. Best friends, families and business partners have separated because of politics and his tendency to corrupt with bitterness.

Several years ago, one of our politician in Northern Nigeria came up with the a principle of practicing politics without bitterness, a principle rooted in a godly desire to overcome the corruption of politics and the desperation for power. Good as this is, it has its limit if we do not allow the truth and the spirit of Christ to give us the capacity for actualization.

Jesus said in First  Corinthians thirteen that we weigh nothing under God if we operate outside the heart of love and it does not matter how sacrificial we are. This is to say that we must not go outside the boundaries of love notwithstanding our persuasion . The spirit of politicking often brings with it rudeness, cursing , riots and  murder and those who seek life must be poised to overcome these things .

The spirit of politics traps men and overcome them in a web which imprisoned the souls of men with an iron like grip and its subtlety serpentine in nature but its destruction is massive. For pilgrims seeking God, it is very distractive and divisive hence it remains an enemy to overcome.

The disciple of Jesus in his days were not left out in the confrontation with this spirit as the Roman government in their iron like political dominance ruled  over Israel and the nations.
Hear their quest for liberty as they queried the master after his resurrection before his ascension to glory.

Acts 1:
Will you at this time overthrow the Roman empire and allow us to be free and in government.

Read  the answer of Jesus.

·         Do not let this worry you. God has time and seasons for everything. Just seek the Holy Ghost and his power which the father has promised you, to bring you into true liberty and victory.

The counsel of God to us this time around is similar.  We are to seek intimacy with the Holy Spirit.  We are to seek the  power and the  government of God over our life  and our God will bring us into true life and put down all dominion of evil. The kingdom of God (which is the government of God) starts within us like a leaven and  fill us with the love of God, spreading  to our homes and families and nations.

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