Saturday, 11 April 2015

Overcoming All Things 2

At the center of man’s drive is his desire for things. This propensity started from the time of the fall when the spirit of man fell and was shut in into the realm of  things. Man lost consciousness of the invisible realm of God and is now submerged in the realm his physical senses. He is dominated and ruled from the outside and led by the lust  or desire for things that are good in his sight, things that satisfies his ego and his feelings .


The emerging overcomers must therefore gain victory over the things in the world which the First Adam and his wife were not able to overcome. Here the lamentation of Eve and Adam.

Genesis 3:6

When the woman saw that the tree was good for food (lust of the flesh)

And that it was pleasant to the eyes (lust of the eye)

And a  tree to be desired to make one wise (pride of life)

She took of the fruit and did eat and also gave

to her husband with her and he did eat


Apostle John therefore warn us of this mystery of iniquity and admonished us not to love the things that are in the world (the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life) and the love of the things in the world makes it impossible for us to love the Father. It is therefore a fact that all the beguiling activity of the devil revolve round the desire for things propelled by the lust that enter through the eyes or the lust that enters into the soul through the fleshly desires or even the ego.


All the activity of the traducer (devil) is therefore  centered around keeping men preoccupied with ‘ Things” which are corruptible and subject to destruction by moth  or theft by men.

Herein lies the distinction between the “gentiles nature and preoccupation” and the preoccupation of the seekers of God’s kingdom” who are pressing forward to overcome all things and inherit all things.

Here the admonition of our Lord in the book of Matthew 5;32


For after all these THINGS do the gentiles seek for your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these THINGS

But ye seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness

and all these THINGS  shall be added  unto you


Our call is therefore to grow up in faith beyond the  distraction of things, even beyond the need centered existence, beyond the need dominated messages and even beyond the elementary faith for things into the “Faith of God”   rising above the  faith of “the birds of the  air” and the faith of “the lilies of the value’  who have no worries about things to wear or things to eat or any physical need whatsoever but rejoices in the Fatherhood of God who has an arrangement in place to take care of his creations.

We must overcome and rise above this need centered dimension.


Ademola  Akinyemi

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